13. February 2025


February 6, 2024
On 22.01.2024, the National Committee of Large Dams (KKDM) was organized the usual meeting for January 2024. In this meeting, several main issues were analyzed and discussed as follows: Plans of the Peninsula in case of civil emergencies for the large dams used by the Municipality of Dimal. KKDM reviewed the Emergency Plans in case […]


December 26, 2023
On December 15, 2023, the joint international symposium between the National Committee of Large Dams (ALBCOLD), the Academy of Sciences (ASH), and the Faculty of Construction Engineering (FIN) was organized in Tirana. Dam experts from Albania, Italy, and Greece were invited to this symposium, as well as representatives of ITCOLD, the Polytechnic University of Turin, […]


December 26, 2023
On 21.11.2023, the National Committee of Large Dams (ALBCOLD) organized the usual meeting of November 2023. In this meeting, several main issues were analyzed and reviewed as follows: Preparedness Plans in case of civil emergencies for the large dams used by the Municipality of Devoll. ALBCOLD reviewed the Preparedness Plans in the event of civil […]


November 21, 2023
On 25.10.2023, the National Committee of Large Dams (ALBCOLD) organized the usual meeting of October 2023. In this meeting, several main issues were analyzed and reviewed as follows: Determining the technical standards regarding the control flows for the discharge systems of large dams. ALBCOLD considered the report prepared by the working group appointed at the […]


October 16, 2023
On 20.09.2023, the National Committee of Large Dams (ALBCOLD) organized the usual meeting for the month of September 2023. In this meeting, several issues were analyzed and discussed as follows: Examination of preparedness plans for civil emergencies in case of large flows or possible dam failure for the 5 dams administered by the Skrapar Municipality. […]


September 18, 2023
On 30.08.2023, the National Committee of Large Dams (ALBCOLD) organized the usual meeting for the month of August 2023. In this meeting, several issues were analyzed and discussed as follows:  Determination of flow calculation design criteria for dam discharge systems according to the number of people at risk located in the urban area below the […]


August 4, 2023
On 26.07.2023, the National Committee of Large Dams (ALBCOLD) organized the usual meeting for the month of July 2023. In this meeting, several issues were analyzed and discussed as follows: Documentation presented by the Maliq Municipality for Civil Emergency Preparedness Plans for the large dams used by the Maliq Municipality. From the review of the […]


July 5, 2023
On 21.06.2023, the National Committee of Large Dams (ALBCOLD) organized the usual meeting for the month of June 2023. In this meeting, several issues were analyzed and discussed as follows: The annual report of 2022 for the use, operation, monitoring, and safety of the dam of the artificial lake of Tirana that is used by […]

Rreth nesh

Komiteti Kombëtar i Digave të Mëdha (KKDM) është organ i Këshillit të Ministrave i cili ushtron kontrollin e shtetit për sigurinë e digave dhe dambave si vepra të një rëndesie të vecantë dhe përfaqeson shtetin shqiptar ne Komisionin Ndërkombetar te Digave të Mëdha (ICOLD).

Postimet e Fundit