01. December 2024

Guideline on Rules for Operation, monitoring and safety of Dam

February 9, 2021


“Preparation of Technical Rules for Use, Maintenance, Monitoring and Control of large dams”

The Technical Regulations for the Use, Maintenance, Monitoring, and Control of Large Dams must be drawn up based on the requirements of Law 8681, date 02.11.2000 “On the Design, Construction, Operation, and Maintenance of Dams”, Decision of the Council of Ministers No. 147, dt. 18.03.2004, “Regulation for Safety of Dams and Dams”, articles 9 and 29, Instruction No. 4, date 18.07.2003 “Requirements for legal and technical documentation that must be contained in the file of dams and dams”, ALBCOLD Decision No. 3, dated 19.10.2020 as well as the Recommendations of ICOLD.

The Main Elements of the Dam for which this Regulation should serve are:

  •  The Dam body including the slopes, drainage, and crest of the dam as well as the elements of its impermeability according to the type of these elements
  •  Discharge/ Spillway systems
  •  Water intake system
  •  Deviation system
  •  Emptying system

This regulation should also include the Rules for the Investigation of the Reservoir created by the dam and its banks.

The technical regulation of the use, monitoring, and control of the Dam Facilities and sub-facilities must be prepared by the Dam Engineer and be approved in writing by the Institution that administers the Dam or the user of the Dam.

In this Regulation, all duties and actions of the Dam Engineer and the dam safety team/its technical unit must be stated about the use, maintenance, and control of all facilities and sub-facilities that make up the Dam according to Article 3 of DCM No. 147, dt. 18.03.2004

The regulation must contain at least information about:

1) Technical File/Dam Passport which must be completed according to the Directive of the Council of Ministers, No. 4, dt. 18.07.2003 “Requirements for legal and technical documentation that must be contained in the file of dams and dams” and Decision of ALBCOLD, No. 2, date 21.09.2020.

2) The regulation of dam monitoring where:

  •  Description of the visual monitoring process
  • Technical description of the existing dam monitoring systems (Geodesic, Seismic, Hydrotechnical, Geological – Engineering, Hydrometeorological, etc.) giving also the type and number of instruments of the Monitoring Systems.
  • Graph of the frequency of the respective monitoring mentioned above.
  • The reports are determined according to the legislation in normal cases as well as in cases of special events for the relevant Institutions from which they depend as well as for ALBCOLD.

3) The regulation for the Tests that must be carried out at the Discharge Systems before the start of each rainy season. General information regarding the Operation and Maintenance Manuals of the installed electromechanical equipment and monitoring systems must also be included in this Regulation.

4) The regulation of the discharge of large flows for dams used for hydropower and water supply. This Regulation should also include data regarding the maximum and minimum Levels and Flows determined by the Designer as well as those observed in the last 10 years.

5) The regulation of the use of the catchment for the dams used for irrigation as well as the maximum and minimum levels of water in the catchment in the high water period October – May and the low water period June – September. This Regulation should also include data regarding the maximum and minimum Levels and Flows determined by the Designer as well as those observed in the last 10 years;

6) Data for the Dam Safety Group/ Technical Management Unit which must be composed of specialists in the field in accordance with the requirements of Article 5 of DCM No. 147, dt. 18.03.2003. In the Regulation, the organizational structure and the relevant tasks of the Group/Unit are given, as well as the data for the Dam Engineer, the contact, and communication persons in the event of events that may occur;

7) Preparedness plan in case of civil emergencies, including the system of evacuation of people and quick assistance in case of special events. In this Plan, the data for the Alarm, signaling, and communication system in the area, the data for the Plan of access roads to the facilities and sub-facilities of the Dam defined above, as well as the Sources of electricity supply in case of defects and events must be given. defined in the scenarios of the emergency plan;

8) The form of the Register for the use of the dam, which should include data related to observations, surveys, measurements, data processing, and their interpretations. In the Register, the events during the use of the facility and the catchment, the data of the testing of the gates, the checks on the parts of the dam, the incidents that are ascertained during the use (filtration, water flow, cracks, etc.), hydro-meteorological events (flows and the maximum levels for each month), data on events related to seismic shaking and their consequences, maintenance and repair work carried out in the facility, etc.

On behalf of ALBCOLD

Eng. Arjan JOVANI

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