10. September 2024

History of ALB-YEF (FIRD)

February 25, 2021

The Forum of Albanian Young Dams Engineers (ALB-YEF) was established on March 8, 2017 with the contribution of some young hydrotechnical engineers such as Olsi Barko, Erjon Qosja, Fatjon Shahaj, Agim Lazareni, Erion Kalaja, who were directly related to the projects and the foundations of the dams as well as the attitude of some members of the National Committee of Large Dams (ALBCOLD) as Prof. Niko Pojani, ing. Arjan Jovani, ing. Arduen Karagjozi.

ALB-YEF was created based on the recommendations of the International Commission of Large Dams (ICOLD) as well as the forum of young engineers ICOLD – YEF (Young Engineers Forum) following the example of many analogous forums that operate at national dam committees in many countries of the world.How was a report of this initiative made as well as the Statute beginning with the structure it would have, how it would function and make it bring to the young engineers of our country, to deal with the design, implementation, identification and monitoring of dams.

At the first meeting of the forum, the members of the forum who wished to be part of it were registered. In this meeting were attended about 40 young engineers who are private, in the public sector and in design work, members or monitors some of the most important dams in our country such as the Drin river cascade dams, dams in the Devoll river cascade , etc.

After discussions and an open voting process, the Steering Committee of several professional forums was elected by 5 members. The first chairman of FIRD was elected eng Olsi Barko.

At this meeting, tasks and projects were set to develop the forum in order to help young engineers to create a network for information exchange and experience.

During the period 2017 – 2022, ALB-YEF has carried out a series of activities such as visits to the main dams of the country, meetings, and participation in various national and international events.

On May 5, 2022, a meeting of ALB-YEF members was held to analyze the activity of the period 2017-2022 and to hold new elections of the ALB-YEF Steering Committee. The meeting was attended by Arjan Jovani – Chairman of ALBCOLD and Arduen Karagjozi – member of KTD. At the end of the meeting the elections of the steering committee of ALB-YEF were held and the chairman of ALB-YEF was elected eng. Erjon Qosja.

ALB-YEF is already a well-known forum and supported by ALBCOLD as well as ICOLD – YEF being internationally recognized at ICOLD under the name Albanian Young Engineers Forum (ALB-YEF).


Tirana, May 2022

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Rreth nesh

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