17. January 2025

News, August 2023

September 18, 2023
Diga e rezervuarit te Tufines, Gusht 2023
On 30.08.2023, the National Committee of Large Dams (ALBCOLD) organized the usual meeting for the month of August 2023. In this meeting, several issues were analyzed and discussed as follows:
  •  Determination of flow calculation design criteria for dam discharge systems according to the number of people at risk located in the urban area below the dam. After the discussions with the present members, ALBCOLD decided to set up a working group with members of ALBCOLD and KTPD to draw up a report regarding the main criteria for calculating design flows in the discharge systems of large dams. At the same time, it was agreed that the MIE and the Council of Ministers should be asked to prepare the state technical standard for determining the design flows for calculating the discharge systems of the dams in the function of the number of people at risk who are in the urban areas below the dams

For more detailed information, please click Decision No. 26 of ALBCOLD, date 30.08.2023 here

  •  Commissioning of the implementation works for the rehabilitation project of the discharge system and water intake system in the Peze Gjyslikone dam. From the analyses of the presented documentation, it was found that the documentation is not in accordance with the requirements of the legislation in force as well as the instructions of ALBCOLD. The user of the dam has not fulfilled any of the requirements of point 2 of the ALBCOLD Decision No. 35, dated 12.10.2021, for the approval of the project in question. Some of these requests had to be completed and submitted to ALBCOLD before starting the work. From the submitted approval documentation, it appears that changes were made in the project at a time when, according to the legislation in force, any change in the project must be approved by ALBCOLD. After the discussions of the members of the ALBCOLD, it was decided that the act of commissioning for the implementation works of the rehabilitation of the mechanism of the gates of the water inlet and the spillway system of the Peze Gjyslikone dam presented by the Municipality of Tirana will not be approved due to the non-fulfillment of the requirements of the legislation in force, changes to the original project without the approval of ALBCOLD and for not fulfilling the requirements of ALBCOLD Decision No. 35, date 12/10/2021.

For more detailed information, please click Decision No. 27 of ALBCOLD, date 30.08.2023 here

  •  Project Idea for the Reconstruction of the Peze Gjyslikone Dam. From the review of the received documentation, it appears that the project idea for the rehabilitation of this dam has not met the requirements of Article 5 of the above law and Article 8 of the above DCM. The supporting reports for seismic, geological, and geotechnical studies are not complete and in accordance with the requirements expressed in the Decision of ALBCOLD No. 15, dated 15.02.2021. The project idea did not take into consideration any of the requests expressed in the ALBCOLD Decision No. 35, date 12.10.2021 such as the calculations of the flood wave in cases of maximum flows and in cases of dam failure, the study regarding the lifespan of the dam and its catchment, the drafting of the preparedness plan in case of civil emergencies, etc. The presented project also provided for some works in the body of the dam that were approved during the implementation of the works in the previous project. After the discussions of the members of ALBCOLD, It was decided that the Project Idea for the reconstruction of the Peze Gjyslikone reservoir dam should not be approved due to the non-fulfillment of the requirements of the legislation in force, the deficiencies found in the supporting studies for seismic, geological and geotechnical issues such as and the problems found in the implementation of the works of the previous project approved by the decision of ALBCOLD No. 35, date 12.10.2021.

For more detailed information, please click Decision No. 28 of ALBCOLD, date 30.08.2023 here

  •  Project Idea for the reconstruction of the dams of the Zelaj and Kutreq reservoirs. From the review of the presented documentation, it was found that the project ideas presented did not meet the requirements of Article 5 of the above law as well as Article 8 of the above DCM. The supporting reports for the geological and geotechnical studies are not complete. The presented documentation lacks data on bathymetric measurements, monitoring systems in the dam, the location of the quarries of the construction materials that will be used, information about people at risk below the dam, etc. After the discussions of the members of the ALBCOLD, it was decided that the proposed project ideas for the reconstruction of the Zelaj and Kutreq reservoir dams should not be approved due to the non-fulfillment of the requirements of the legislation in force, the deficiencies found in the supporting studies as well as the deficiencies related to the systems. of monitoring in the dam, bathymetric measurements of the reservoir, etc

For more detailed information, please click Decision No. 29 date 30.08.2023 here, and No. 30 of ALBCOLD, date 30.08.2023 here


  •  Project Idea for the reconstruction of the Tufina dam. From the examination of the submitted documentation, it was found that the project idea presented did not meet the requirements of Article 5 of the above law as well as Article 8 of the above DCM. The supporting reports for the geological and geotechnical studies are not complete. The presented documentation lacks data on bathymetric measurements, monitoring systems in the dam, the location of the quarries of the construction materials that will be used, information about people at risk below the dam, etc. This dam has been out of operation for more than 15 years due to the conditions of the dam body itself as well as the loss of the function of the main purpose of irrigating the lands for which it was built. The presented documentation does not provide any documentation regarding the ownership and authority of the user of the dam. After the analysis and discussions regarding the presented deficiencies and the presented documentation, the members of ALBCOLD decided not to approve the project Idea for the Reconstruction of the Tufina Dam due to the non-fulfillment of the requirements of the legislation in force, the lack of analysis of the current conditions of the malfunction of the dam for more than 15 years, the loss of the main function of the dam, the deficiencies found in the supporting studies for seismic, geological and geotechnical issues, as well as the deficiencies related to the monitoring systems in the dam, bathymetric measurements of the reservoir.

For more detailed information, please click Decision No. 31 of ALBCOLD, date 30.08.2023 here

  •  Project Idea for the reconstruction of the dams of the Vrap and Kutreq reservoirs. From the review of the presented documentation, it was found that the project ideas presented did not meet the requirements of Article 5 of the above law as well as Article 8 of the above DCM. The supporting reports for the geological and geotechnical studies are not complete. The presented documentation lacks data on bathymetric measurements, monitoring systems in the dam, the location of the quarries of the construction materials that will be used, information about people at risk below the dam, etc. After the discussions of the members of ALBCOLD, it was decided that the project ideas presented for the reconstruction of the dams of the Vrap and Kutreq reservoirs should not be approved due to the non-fulfillment of the requirements of the legislation in force, the deficiencies found in the supporting studies as well as the deficiencies related to the systems. of monitoring in the dam, bathymetric measurements of the reservoir, etc

For more detailed information, please click Decision No. 32 date 30.08.202 here, and No. 33 of ALBCOLD, date 30.08.2023 here.

Diga e rezervuarit te Tufines, Gusht 2023
Diga e Peze Gjyslikone, Gusht 2023

Rreth nesh

Komiteti Kombëtar i Digave të Mëdha (KKDM) është organ i Këshillit të Ministrave i cili ushtron kontrollin e shtetit për sigurinë e digave dhe dambave si vepra të një rëndesie të vecantë dhe përfaqeson shtetin shqiptar ne Komisionin Ndërkombetar te Digave të Mëdha (ICOLD).

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