14. February 2025

Guideline on the Preparedness Emergency Plans

February 10, 2021


“Preparation of Preparedness plans for civil emergencies caused by the activities of dam operators”.

Preparedness plans in case of civil emergencies caused by the activity of dam operators should be drawn up based on:

  • Law No. 8681, dated 02.11.2000, “On the design, construction, use, and maintenance of dams and dams”, Article 4/d
  • Law No. 45/2019, date 18.07.2019 “For civil protection”.
  • Decision of the Council of Ministers No. 147, date 18.03.2004.
  • Instruction No. 248, date 28.01.2000 “For the drafting of the Alarm, Evacuation and Assistance Plan for the Protection of the Population as a result of the destruction of Dams and Dams”

In the Preparedness Plans of civil emergency, in the case of civil emergencies caused by the activity of the use of dams, at least:

  • Technical file / Passport of Dams according to Decision No. 2, date 21.09.2020 of ALBCOLD.
  • Characteristics of the wave that is created in the valley below the dam/dam in the case when the maximum flow is discharged or a forced discharge is made (flow plus forced emptying of the catchment) or the dam collapse occurs.
  • Flood Maps where the surfaces and areas flooded for each of the 4 possible scenarios are given.
  • General data of the Alarm System installed in the area, including data on the installed systems and equipment as well as the signaling and communication scheme in the event of events that may occur.
  • The Alarm, evacuation, and assistance plan for dealing with the consequences that come as a result of the situations described in the respective scenarios.
  • Organizational Schemes for the Action Plan in case of Civil Emergencies for 4 possible scenarios.
  • Scenario 0, applies when there are large flows with repetition more than 1 time in 20 years or when there is a decision of the Emergency Team of the dam user, There are earthquakes with a magnitude above 4 degrees Richter, there are acts of sabotage with a safety risk of the dam, There is an emergency in the upstream dams, There is a malfunction of the discharge systems.
  • Scenario 1, is applied when there are large flows with recurrence more than 1 time in 100 years or when there is a decision of the Emergency Team of the user of the dam or the National Agency of Civil Protection (NACP) under the Ministry of Defense, There are many filters large dams, there are acts of sabotage with a risk to the safety of the dam, there are emergencies in the upstream dams, there are slow slides of unstable landslide.
  • Scenario 2, which is applied when there are large flows with recurrence more than 1 time in 1000 years or when there is a special decision of the Emergency Team of the dam user or NACP under the Ministry of Defense, There are serious defects of the turbines that endanger their normal work, There are serious defects in the exhaust systems or their malfunction, There are major defects and damages that are accompanied by controllable filtration or soil movements, There are earthquakes with a magnitude above 7 Richter degrees, There are acts of sabotage with the risk of high for the safety of the dam, Emergency in the dams of the upper stream, There is an immediate landslide of unstable landslide.

Scenario 3, which is applied when there are the largest possible flows (PMF) and/or there is a special decision of the Council of Ministers or of the NACP under the Ministry of Defense, There are very serious defects of the turbines that endanger the work of the HPP in a way unavoidable, There are very serious defects in the discharge systems that inevitably endanger the dam, There are very large and irreparable defects and damage to the dam that are accompanied by uncontrollable seepage or soil movements.


  • Data for the Plan of Access Roads to the facilities and sub-facilities of the Dam
  • Sources of electricity supply in case of defects and special events

The Preparedness Plan in case of Civil Emergencies caused by the activity of using the dams must be approved according to the requirements of the legislation in force and a copy of it must be submitted to the Technical Secretariat of ALBCOLD before the month of October. This Plan must be updated every year.

On the behalf of National Committee of Large dams




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