17. January 2025

News, February 2023

March 15, 2023
Diga e Manskurise 2
On 21.2.2023, the National Committee of Large Dams (KKDM) organized the usual meeting for the month of February 2023.

In this meeting, several issues were analyzed and discussed as follows:

  •  Rules for the use, operation, monitoring, and safety of the HPP Lumzi dam. The technical documentation of the Rules submitted to NSLD has been drawn up according to the requirements of the directive of ALBCOLD expressed in Decision No. 3, dated 19.10.2020 regarding the drafting of these Rules. After the discussions of all the members, the ALBCOLD decided to approve the Rules for the use, operation, maintenance, monitoring, and safety of the HPP Lumzi dam, leaving some tasks related to the installation of the hydrometeorological, seismic, and hydrogeological monitoring system, the preparation of the plans new preparedness in cases of civil emergencies, accompanying them with maps of floods in the areas below them, updating the regulation on the discharge of large volumes, including discharges due to large flows with recurrence once in 50 years and in 100 years as well as the assessment and submission of monitoring data for the last 5 years.

For more detailed information, please click the Decision of ALBCOLD No. 06 date 21.02.2023 here

  •  Rules for the use, operation, monitoring, and safety of the HPP Osoja dam that is used by the company Favina shpk. The technical documentation of these Rules submitted to NSLD was not drawn up according to the requirements of the ALBCOLD directive expressed in Decision No. 3, dated 19.10.2020 regarding the drafting of this regulation. After the discussions of all members, the ALBCOLD decided not to approve the Rules for the use, operation, monitoring, and safety of the HPP Osoja dam, which is used by Shoqeria Favina shpk, leaving some tasks related to the process of monitoring the dam, the preparation of the plans preparedness in cases of civil emergencies accompanied by inundation maps in the areas below them, the updating of the regulation on the discharge of large sumps, including the discharges due to large flows with recurrence once in 50 years and in 100 years as well as evaluation and submission of monitoring data of the dam and its elements in the last 5 years.

For more information, please click the Decision of ALBCOLD No. 07 date 21.02.2023 here

  •  State Technical Standard for the Design and Control of embankment dams. The members of ALBCOLD raised the concern of the lack of an updated national technical standard for embankment dams. The old design norms approved in 1989 are currently not functional and suitable for today’s conditions. These norms do not include issues of technical standards for monitoring, safety, and rehabilitation projects of existing embankments in our country. In the discussions, emphasis was placed on the necessity of this standard based on the experiences of European countries, and the recommendations of ICOLD given in the relevant Bulletins. The new standard should aim at replacing the technical design norms of 1989 for embankment dams with new technical standards to be applied in the field of design and control of embankment dams. Based on the current situation, it was agreed on the necessity of drafting and official approval of the State Technical Standard regarding the required norms for the design, monitoring, control, and safety of new and existing embankment dams according to the legislation in force by the responsible institutions. At the end of the discussions, ALBCOLD decided to ask MIE to prepare the State Technical Standard for the Design and Control of Embankment Dams according to the Decision of ALBCOLD.

For more information, please click the Decision of ALBCOLD No. 08 date 21.02.2023 here

Also on February 17, 2023, a field visit was organized to inspect the current condition of the Manskuri dam. Representatives of ALBCOLD, AKUM, and UKD took part in this visit. During the visit, it was established that the dam and the hydro-technical complex of Manskuri, including the water treatment plant, have been out of order for 7 years. The water level in the Reservoir has been allowed to be at the minimum levels of the project according to the requirements of ALBCOLD. Currently, it was agreed that UK Durres will prepare the design task as soon as possible and will continue the process of preparing the project for the rehabilitation of the dam and the water treatment plant with the aim of putting this hydro-technical complex into operation. It is important for the water supply of the Golem area.

Diga e Manskurise 2
Diga e Manskurise

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Rreth nesh

Komiteti Kombëtar i Digave të Mëdha (KKDM) është organ i Këshillit të Ministrave i cili ushtron kontrollin e shtetit për sigurinë e digave dhe dambave si vepra të një rëndesie të vecantë dhe përfaqeson shtetin shqiptar ne Komisionin Ndërkombetar te Digave të Mëdha (ICOLD).

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