News, March 2023

On 27.3.2023, the National Committee of Large Dams (KKDM) organized the usual meeting for the month of March 2023. In this meeting, the problems related to the annual report on the condition and safety of dams in Albania during the year 2022 were analyzed and reviewed. lower:
- The current state of the dams and the problems related to their maintenance, monitoring, and exploitation
- The activities of the National Committee of large dams during the year 2022 as well as the cooperation with the counterpart committees in Europe and with ICOLD
- The necessity of a reform in the sector of large dams, which must start from the process of their control, monitoring, and exploitation up to the institutional reorganization of KKDM and their supporting structures in accordance with the organization of this sector in European countries
- The problem of preparing the annual reports by the users of the dams, as well as the lack of many reports from the municipalities of the country that administer the big dams
For more detailed information, please click Decisions No. 09 to ALBCOLD, date 27.03.2023 here
Also on March 28-31, 2023, at the invitation of ITCOLD, a working visit to Italy was organized by a team of ALBCOLD as well as representatives of the Government of Kosovo in the water sector. During this visit, working meetings were organized with representatives of ITCOLD and the Dam Safety Authority under the Italian Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, as well as a working visit to the Corbara dam.