17. January 2025

News, January 2023

February 16, 2023
mars 2021
On 23.1.2023, the National Committee of Large Dams (ALBCOLD) organized the usual meeting for the month of January 2023. In this meeting, several issues were analyzed and reviewed as follows:

1. The request of the Ministry of Defense for giving an opinion regarding the revised assessment of the risk of disasters at the central level. After the discussions of all the members, it is decided that the ALBCOLD approves the reassessment of the risk level for dam failure from 2 to 3.75 in the revised consolidated report for the assessment of the risk of disasters in Albania prepared by the National Agency of Civil Protection in relation to the risk of dam failures. Also, the ALBCOLD recommends that the interest groups include the ALBCOLD as well as review the risk of the dam’s failures for energy production in the counties of Durres, Gjirokaster, and Vlore.

For more detailed information, please click Decision No. 01 to ALBCOLD, date 23.01.2023 here

2. Regulation of the use, operation, monitoring, and safety of the dams used by the municipalities of Prrenjas and Rrogozhine. The technical documentation of these Regulations submitted to SKDM was not drafted according to the requirements of the ALBCOLD directive expressed in Decision No. 3, dated 19.10.2020 regarding the drafting of this regulation. After the discussions of all the members, the ALBCOLD decided not to approve the Regulation on the use, operation, monitoring, and safety of the dams used by the Prrenjas and Rrogozhine municipalities, leaving some tasks related to the process of their monitoring, the preparation of the readiness plans in cases of civil emergencies, accompanying them with maps of floods in the areas below them, the updating of the regulation on the discharge of large bodies, including discharges due to large flows with repetition once in 50 years and in 100 years.

For more detailed information, please click Decisions to ALBCOLD No. 02 date 23.01.2023 here, and No.03, date 23.01.2023 here

3. Approval of the ALBCOLD work program for 2023.

For more detailed information, please click Decision No. 04 to ALBCOLD, date 23.01.2023 here

4. State technical standards for the design and control of earthquake-resistant dams. The members of ALBCOLD raised the concern about the lack of a state technical standard for the effects of earthquakes for the design of new dams as well as for the monitoring, safety, and rehabilitation projects of existing dams in our place. In the discussions, emphasis was placed on the necessity of this standard, based on the experiences of European countries, the recommendations of ICOLD given in the relevant Bulletins, as well as the contemporary technical standards of countries located in areas with high seismic in the field of resistance of large dams. to Earthquakes. The new standard should aim at replacing the technical conditions in force for the anti-seismic design of dams, which have not been revised for 35 years, with new technical provisions to be applied in the field of their anti-seismic design and control. security against seismic risk. Based on the current situation, it was agreed on the necessity of drafting and official approval of the State Technical Standard regarding the required norms for earthquake resistance in the design of new dams as well as in the monitoring, safety, and rehabilitation projects of existing dams in the country our according to the legislation in force by the responsible institutions. At the end of the discussions, ALBCOLD decided to ask MIE to prepare the State Technical Standard for the Design and Control of Earthquake Resistant Dams.

For more detailed information, please click Decision No. 05 to ALBCOLD, date 23.01.2023 here

On January 24, 2023, a virtual meeting was organized between the President of ROCOLD, Mr. Catalin Popescu, and some members of the board of directors of ROCOLD as well as the Chairman of ALBCOLD, Mr. Arjan Jovani, and some members of ALBCOLD. In this meeting, several main issues were discussed regarding the cooperation between the two committees, the exchange of experiences in the field of monitoring and safety of dams, the development of contemporary technical standards in the sector of large dams, as well as the organization of joint activities for the promotion of large dams.

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