03. November 2024

News, May 2023

June 19, 2023
Harta e permbytjeve TR
On 25.05.2023, the National Committee of Large Dams (KKDM) organized the usual meeting for the month of May 2023. In this meeting, several issues were analyzed and discussed as follows:
  •  Regulation of the use, operation, monitoring, and safety of the dams of the municipality of Rrogozhine presented by the municipality in question as the user of the dam and the reservoir created by it. The technical documentation of the Rules submitted to SKDM did not include the requirements of the ALBCOLD guidance expressed in Decision No. 3, dated 19.10.2020 regarding the drafting of the regulation. After the discussions of all the members, the ALBCOLD decided not to approve the Regulation of the use, operation, monitoring, and safety of the dams of the Municipality of Rrogozhina, at the same time, the ALBCOLD decided to ask the municipality of Rrogozhina to review and prepare this regulation in accordance with the requirements of the ALBCOLD and to submit for approval by ALBCOLD of the Preparedness Plan in case of civil emergencies due to the use of dams in this municipality,

For more detailed information, please click Decision No. 14 to ALBCOLD, date 25.05.2023 here

  1.  Durres Water Company’s request regarding the measures to be taken for the rehabilitation of the Manskuri dam that is used by this company. The request was accompanied by the task of designing an implementation project related to the rehabilitation of the dam and the drinking water treatment plant near the dam, as well as increasing the safety measures of the Manskuri dam. After getting acquainted with the problematic situation of this dam and the discussions of all the participating members, ALBCOLD decided to approve the request of DWC for the drafting of the implementation project for the rehabilitation and monitoring of the dam, as well as the drafting of the civil emergency plan, including the preparation of maps of floods in urban areas below this dam. During the drafting of the implementation project, the requirements of the legislation in force for the safety of dams must be taken into consideration. At the same time, the members of ALBCOLD agreed to ask MIE and AKUM to support the request of DWC for the design of the said project and the taking of emergency measures regarding the safety and monitoring of the Manskuri dam through a technical-economic analysis of the monitoring conditions. utilization and safety of dams according to the instructions of ALBCOLD.

For more detailed information, please click Decision No. 15 to ALBCOLD, date 25.05.2023 here

  •  Information about the number of people at risk in urban areas below large dams used for irrigation. The chairman informed the members of ALBCOLD about the lack of information from the users of the dams for the people at risk who live in the urban areas below the dams used for irrigation. After the discussions of all the participating members, the ALBCOLD decided to ask the Ministry of Agriculture and rural development (MBZHR) and the Municipalities that use the dams for irrigation information about the number of people in urban areas who are at risk in the event of the dams breaking down, as well as the drafting of the civil emergency plan by including the preparation of flood maps in urban areas below these dams.

For more detailed information, please click Decision No. 16 to ALBCOLD, date 25.05.2023 here

  •  The problem was identified in relation to the damage to the hydraulic structures of HPP Ashta and Mjeda Embankment. The chairman informed the members of ALBCOLD about some serious problems given in the annual report of the Operator of HPP Ashta, ENERGJI ASHTA shpk in relation to the damages found in the embankment of Mjeda as well as in the hydraulic structures of Spathara located at HPP Ashta 1. Damages found may lead to partial destruction of these structures and serious consequences for the lives of the residents in the urban areas located below them. After the discussions of all the participating members, the ALBCOLD decided that these structures should be treated as objects of special importance and They will require MBZHR to take urgent measures for their rehabilitation.

For more detailed information, please click Decision No. 17 to ALBCOLD, date 25.05.2023 here

Harta e permbytjeve TR
Harta e permbytjeve TR (shpejtesia dhe koha)

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Rreth nesh

Komiteti Kombëtar i Digave të Mëdha (KKDM) është organ i Këshillit të Ministrave i cili ushtron kontrollin e shtetit për sigurinë e digave dhe dambave si vepra të një rëndesie të vecantë dhe përfaqeson shtetin shqiptar ne Komisionin Ndërkombetar te Digave të Mëdha (ICOLD).

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