16. October 2024

Important Events for Large Dams in Europe during 2023

January 18, 2023
ICOLD-Gothenburg 2023

Based on Law No. 8681, dated 02.11.2000, “On the Design, Construction, Use, and Maintenance of Dams and Dams”, article 4, the National Committee of Large Dams (ALBCOLD) has the task of supporting technical progress in the conception, construction, use and maintenance of large dams in the interest of economic and social development of the country.

At the same time, based on the above law, one of the main tasks of ALBCOLD is the organization of the exchange of data and experience between ALBCOLD and other Committees, between specialists and actors in the field within the country with their analogs abroad.

Bearing in mind the fact that in Albania there are more than 65 operators who use the 351 large dams in our country, which play an important role in the use, monitoring, and safety of large dams, ALBCOLD wants to inform all interested parties that during the year In 2023, several important events in the field of dams are foreseen, which will create numerous opportunities not only for contacts and cooperation with partners from Europe and the whole world in the sector of large dams but will also provide the opportunity for updating and exchange. of experiences in the latest techniques, methods, and technologies in this field as well as the recognition of the best standards in the field of design, construction, use, and maintenance of large dams.

Regarding the above, ALBCOLD would like to announce that on June 11-15, 2023, the 91st ICOLD Conference will be organized in Gothenburg, Sweden. Participating in this activity are all the member countries of this prestigious international organization, part of which is Albania as a permanent member of ICOLD, since 1964. More information can be obtained on the website www.icold- cigb.org

Also, on September 5-8, 2023, the 12th symposium of the EUROCOLD club will be organized in Interlaken, Switzerland, where important issues of the sector will be addressed, such as the role of dams and reservoirs for hydropower in Europe, Dams and Reservoirs for adaptations to climate change in Europe, etc

For the above, ALBCOLD suggests the participation of experts in these events, with the aim of establishing contacts with powerful actors in this sector, and finding opportunities for further cooperation in the field of design, use, and safety of hydro power large dams.

At the same time, ALBCOLD expresses its willingness to cooperate in the direction of the presentation and promotion of large dams in Albania through joint participation in these activities and the creation of joint stands in the exhibitions that will be organized at these events.

ICOLD-12 Simposium
ICOLD-Gothenburg 2023

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Rreth nesh

Komiteti Kombëtar i Digave të Mëdha (KKDM) është organ i Këshillit të Ministrave i cili ushtron kontrollin e shtetit për sigurinë e digave dhe dambave si vepra të një rëndesie të vecantë dhe përfaqeson shtetin shqiptar ne Komisionin Ndërkombetar te Digave të Mëdha (ICOLD).

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