03. November 2024

The 91th ICOLD annual meeting in Goteborg, Sweden, June 2023

July 5, 2023
Takimi vjetor i 91 i ICOLD ne Goteborg te Suedise
From June 11 -15, 2023, the 91st ICOLD annual meeting was organized in Goteborg, Sweden.

On June 12-13, 2023, the meetings of the technical committees of ICOLD were organized. At the meeting of the Technical Committee on Dam Safety, where the representative of Albania is a permanent member, proposals were discussed for the preparation of relevant bulletins in the field of Dam Safety and Risk Assessment, as well as the new requests of the World Bank regarding the preparation of Plans of Dam Safety in new dam projects and the rehabilitation of existing large dams

On 15.06.2023, the meeting of the General Assembly was organized in which two new vice presidents of ICOLD were elected for the area of Europe and Asia, as well as 3 new countries was accepted, bringing the number of ICOLD members to 107 members.

At the meeting of the General Assembly, the 100 proposals received from the Committees of different language dams were discussed for the main issues that will be addressed at the Next ICOLD Congress to be organized in China in 2025. Through a transparent voting process, It was said that the main issues that will be dealt with in this Congress will be:

  • New dam and reservoir for adapting to climate change
  • Safety of dams and embankments in a changing world
  • Safety of dams and dams against extreme events and climate changes
  • Performance of Earthquakes and Safety of Dams and hydro-power Reservoirs

A team from ALBCOLD and FIRD also participated in this event. During the meeting, the Albanian team presented two topics related to the monitoring of the Qyrsaqi dam as well as related to its improvement
monitoring and safety of dams in Kosovo

The ALBCOLD team headed by its Chairman, Mr. Arjan Jovani, organized working meetings with the heads of the analogous Committees of France, Italy, Greece, Japan, China, Bulgaria, Slovenia, North Macedonia, etc. where cooperation issues were discussed bilaterally in the future as well as the organization of joint activities in the field of dams.

In the meeting with the members of JPCOLD, it was possible to sign the Memorandum of Understanding between them JPCOLD and ALBCOLD from the President of JPCOLD, Mr. Sugiyama, and the chairman of ALBCOLD, Mr. Arjan Jovani.

During the meeting with the president of CFBR, Mr. Denis Albrecht discussed and agreed on the possibility of organizing an international symposium in Albania during 2024 with a focus on developments and advanced technologies in terms of design and monitoring of dams

More details about the activities organized in this event can be found on the website: www.icold-cigb.org

Takimi vjetor i 91 i ICOLD ne Goteborg te Suedise
Mbledhja e 91 ICOLD Geteborg Suedi
Takimi vjetor i 91 i ICOLD ne Goteborg te Suedise-2

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