News, September 2022
On 22.09.2022, the National Committee of Large Dams (ALBCOLD) organized the usual meeting for the month of September 2022.
In this meeting, the problems related to the landslide of Porava and Gropaj in the vicinity of the HEPP Fierza dam were analyzed and examined. the colluvium landslide in the vicinity of the Koman dam as well as the 6 monthly reports of AEC regarding the condition, monitoring, and safety of the Drin river cascade dams that are administered by AEC. After the discussions of the members who were present, ALBCOLD decided to request AEC, as the user of these dams, as follows:
- On-site verification by DSD specialists of the measurement data carried out in the Porava and Gropaj landslides near the HEPP Fierza dam during the last year, as well as the completion of their monitoring systems with all the appropriate instruments and measurements. These measurements should be accompanied by the geodetic measurements of the heads of these instruments as well as the detailed and combined analysis of the monitoring data for these masses during the last 5 years. These relevant data and analyzes for the sliding massifs as well as for the monitoring of leakage in the Koman dam should be part of the 2022 Annual report on the condition, utilization, and monitoring of the Drin River Cascade dams.
- Preparation of a technical report regarding the progress and results of the project for the safety of dams financed by the Swiss government. This technical report must be submitted for review to ALBCOLD within the month of November 2022,
- Submission of appropriate technical documentation and projects as implemented in the framework of the project financed by the World Bank and KfW according to the requirements of the legislation in force
- Updating the Regulation on the use, monitoring, and control of the dams and reservoirs of the Drin river cascade according to the requirements of DCM No. 147, dated 18.03.2004 “Regulation for the Safety of Dams and Dams”, Article 29 as well as the Instructions given in Decision No. 3 of ALBCOLD, date 19.10.2020
- Preparation of a Report regarding the evaluation of the Assets of the 6 dams of the Drin river cascade. The report must be submitted to ALBCOLD within the month of November 2022.
For more detailed information, please click Decision No. 24 of ALBCOLD, date 22.09.2022, here
On September 12, 2022, a virtual meeting was organized between the President of ICOLD, Mr. Lino, the president of the national committee of dams and reservoirs of France, Aelbrecht as well as representatives of ALBCOLD. More details are given in the special news for this meeting during the month of September 2022
On September 15, 2022, ALBCOLD organized field visits to the Lumar 1 and Lumar 2 dams in Mallakaster municipality. These visits were organized in cooperation with the mayor of Mallakastar and the prefect of Fier District. In these visits, it was found that there are problems with the blockage of the sluices of these dams as well as with the irrigation systems behind these dams, making these dams out of function for irrigation and problematic for their safety during the full season. At the end of these visits, they were given the task of taking measures for unblocking these water sources as well as for preparation of the regulations for the use, monitoring, and control of the dams as well as the preparedness plans in case of civil emergencies.