17. January 2025

News, July 2024

September 2, 2024
Diga e Gjonomadhit, Korçë
During the July 2024, ALBCOLD has organized several important activities in the framework of strengthening and improving the control sector in dams as well as in the framework of cooperation with the homologous Committees in Europe.

Information about some of these activities is given in previous announcements that can be viewed on this website.

On 17.07.2024, the National Committee of Large Dams (ALBCOLD) organized the usual meeting for the July 2024. In this meeting, several main issues were analyzed and discussed as follows:

1-Detailed Design for the rehabilitation with the purpose of raising the dam of the Helshan 2 in Has municipality.

The project was prepared by the specialists of Has municipality. From the examination of the presented documentation, it was found that the project had many shortcomings and did not meet the requirements of the legislation. After the discussions of all the members present, ALBCOLD decided not to approve the project in question and to ask the Municipality of Has to complete the necessary technical documentation according to the requirements of the legislation.

For more detailed information, please click ALBCOLD Decision No. 17, date 17.07.2024 here

2- Detailed Design for the rehabilitation of the Gadurova dam with a height of 36 m in Mallakaster municipality.

The Detailed design was prepared by the consulting firm SELAS shpk. From the review of the presented documentation, it was found that the presented project has met the requirements of the above legislation. The representatives of the consultant were present at the meeting and gave the relevant clarifications regarding the measures envisaged for the rehabilitation of this dam, which consisted of the rehabilitation of some main elements of the dam such as the discharge system, the water intake system, the body of the dam as and dam monitoring systems. The Consultant’s representatives confirmed that the calculations of the stability of the dam and the control of the capacity of the discharge system were carried out in accordance with the requirements of ALBCOLD given in its relevant Decisions. The members of ALBCOLD pointed out the fact of the lack of an alarm system in the dam and in the area below it, the lack of measurements of the current volume of water in the reservoir, the problem of blocking the water intake system and the discharge system, as well as the problem of the lack of a passageway for the residents of the village of Gadurove during the implementation of the works.

After the discussions of all the members present, the ALBCOLD decided to approve the detailed design for the rehabilitation of the Gadurova dam and at the same time, to require the Mallakaster municipality to control the works and appoint the supervisor of the works according to the requirements of DCM No. 147, dated 18.03.2004 “On the Approval of the regulation for the safety of dams”.

For more detailed information, please click ALBCOLD Decision No. 18, date 17.07.2024 here

On July 16 – 18, 2024, at the invitation of the Chairman of the Albanian National Committee of Large Dams (ALBCOLD), a delegation of the Polish Committee of Large Dams (POLCOLD) headed by the president of this Committee, Mr. Piotr Sliwinski had a three-day working visit to Albania. During this visit a meeting was organized with the members of ALBCOLD as well as a visit to some of the main dams of our country, such as dams of HPP Vau i Deje, Thane dam, Tirana artificial lake dam, etc.

In the last week of July, several visits were organized to the Gjokaj dam in the Tirana municipality and to the Gjonomadhi dam in the Korce municipality. to inspect their current condition and emerging problems. In the dam of Gjonomadhi, a crack in the dam was found on its right side and the blockage of the discharge system due to filling with alluvium and its lack of maintenance in time.

For this matter, a meeting was organized in the municipality of Korce to discuss the solution of the problem as soon as possible. The information was received from Korce Municipality that in cooperation with AKMC, an emergency fund has been provided to solve the problem and the detailed design for the rehabilitation of the dam has just been completed. During the discussions, suggestions were given for the control during the rehabilitation works, the installation of a geodetic monitoring system in the dam body as well as the installation of a water level monitoring system in the reservoir and it was agreed that the start of the works as soon as possible this year is necessary.

Diga e Gjonomadhit, Korçë
Diga e Gjonomadhit, Korce

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