17. January 2025

News, August 2024

September 27, 2024
Diga e Divjakes
During the August 2024, ALBCOLD has organized several important activities within the framework of tasks defined in the legislation.

On 27.08.2024, the National Committee of Large Dams (ALBCOLD) organized the usual meeting for the month of August 2024. In this meeting, several main issues were analyzed and discussed as follows:

1-Detailed Design for the Reconstruction of the Farka Dam, Monitoring Systems and Alarm System

The project presented by the Municipality of Tirana serves as an Investment within the framework of the use of the fund of the civil emergency program for dams approved in the state budget for 2024, which supports the national policy of prevention and management of natural disasters. From the review of the presented documentation, it appears that the project was presented according to the requirements of the above legislation. Since this dam is classified as a high-risk dam due to the number of people at risk who are in the urban area below it, in the organized discussions, the members of ALBCOLD evaluated the project which is focused on modern monitoring of the dam with instruments such as and in the installation of a modern alarm system in this dam. After the discussions of all the members present, ALBCOLD decided to approve the implementation project for the reconstruction of the dam of the Farka reservoir, Phase 1 – Supply and Installation of the monitoring systems and the alarm system in the dam presented by the Municipality of Tirana. Also, ALBCOLD, through the attached Decision, requested the Municipality of Tirana, Control and supervision of the works as well as their approval according to the requirements of DCM No. 147, dated 18.03.2004 “On the Approval of the regulation for the safety of dams”.

For more detailed information, please click Decision No. 19 to ALBCOLD, date 27.08.2024 here

2-ICOLD Declaration regarding the role of dams in the energy transition and climate change adaptation

In support of Law No. 8681, dated 02.11.2000 “On the Design, Construction, Use and Maintenance of Dams and Dams”, Article 4, the National Committee for Large Dams (ALBCOLD) at the meeting dated 27.08.2024 considered the request of ICOLD for consideration and approval from the National Committees of dams that are members of ICOLD, of the draft of the World Declaration on the role of dams in energy transition and adaptation to climate conditions.

The statement, after analyzing the challenges the world is facing, where the main ones are the increase in demands for water, the increase in the risk of extreme flooding events, as well as the balancing of renewable energy sources, emphasizes the requirements for increasing water storage capacities as well as increasing production of energy from water sources. In the conditions of population growth, increased demands for water, climate change, clean energy transition, extreme flood events, maintenance and rehabilitation requirements of existing dams, ICOLD strongly recommends to the member states the undertaking of several main actions mentioned in this Statement;

From the review of this statement and in the discussions organized during the meeting, the members of ALBCOLD evaluated the recommendations of ICOLD given in this statement and expressed the importance of completing these recommendations in the new conditions that the world is in today. After the discussions of all the members present, ALBCOLD decided to approve the draft of the ICOLD Declaration regarding the role of dams in the energy transition as well as in adaptation to climate change according to the text attached to this Decision.

The official representative of the Albanian National Committee of Large Dams (ALBCOLD) at the annual meeting of the ICOLD General Assembly that will be organized on October 3, 2024 in New Delhi, India will approve this statement on behalf of the ALBCOLD;

Also, ALBCOLD decided to recommend to the Council of Ministers the necessity of completing the ICOLD recommendations given in this Declaration regarding the actions that should be taken to strengthen the role of dams in Albania in the energy transition and in adapting to climate conditions, as well as the necessity of carrying out an institutional and organizational reform in the sector of control, monitoring and increasing the safety of large dams in Albania according to the current experience of European countries with the aim of strengthening the safety management of existing dams, including the modernization of the monitoring of large dams;

For more detailed information, please click Decision No. 20 to ALBCOLD, date 27.08.2024 here

In the last week of August 2024, several working visits were organized to the Divjaka dam of the Divjake municipality and to the Murriz Thane dam, which is administered by the Ministry of Agricultural and Rural Dvelopment (MBZHR), to inspect the current situation, as well as several working meetings were organized with the mayors of Divjake and Kucove to discuss about the monitoring of the dams and the increase of their safety. In these site visits, they noticed the lack of their maintenance and the lack of control and monitoring of these dams according to the requirements of the legislation in force and of ALBCOLD.

Diga e Divjakes
Diga e Murriz Thanes

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Rreth nesh

Komiteti Kombëtar i Digave të Mëdha (KKDM) është organ i Këshillit të Ministrave i cili ushtron kontrollin e shtetit për sigurinë e digave dhe dambave si vepra të një rëndesie të vecantë dhe përfaqeson shtetin shqiptar ne Komisionin Ndërkombetar te Digave të Mëdha (ICOLD).

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