24. April 2024

News, July 2022

August 9, 2022
Takim Prefekture
On 21.07.2022, the National Committee of Large Dams (ALBCOLD) organized the meeting of July 2022.


The main issues discussed in this meeting were:

  • Review of the technical documentation of the Detailed Design for the rehabilitation of the Pacom dam in the municipality of Permet. After reviewing the documentation, ALBCOLD did not approved the presented detailed design and asked its user to complete the documentation for this project according to the requirements of the legislation in force. Among the main requests and tasks were the calculation of the stability of the dam, the actual measurements of the volume of water in the reservoir, the preparation of the preparedness plan in case of civil emergencies due to the possible destruction of the dam or large flows, as well as the technical opposition of project.

For more detailed information, please click Decision No. 19 of ALBCOLD, date 21.07.2022 here

  • Analysis and discussions regarding the problems identified in the Gjanci dams for the cutting and clearing of trees and large bushes located in the body of the dam. The same situation occurs in the dams of Belesove. ALBCOLD ecided to ask the drainage and irrigation board in Korce and MBZHR as the user of these dams, to cut and clean the trees and tall bushes within the month of September 2022 and information to ALBCOLD regarding the solution to this problem.

For more detailed information, please click Decision No. 20 of ALBCOLD, date 21.07.2022 here

  • Review of the request of CHINCOLD and CBDB in cooperation with ICOLD for giving recommendations of 3 large dams of the type filled with stones for the awards regarding of the milestone dam project in this field for the year 2022. The members of KKDM suggested that they be given recommendations for HEC Fierza dam, HEC Moglica dam, HEC Koman dam and HEC Banja dam

On July 22 and 28, 2022, ALBCOLD organized working meetings with the representatives of the municipalities Durres and Korce district. In these meetings, some main issues related to safety and monitoring of irrigation dams such as the lack of preparedness plans in case of civil emergencies, lack of monitoring of irrigation projects administered by these municipalities, lack of evaluation of the assets of the dam elements as well as the requests for the Report of the first 6 months of 2022. In these meeting, the fact was emphasized that no project for the rehabilitation of dams will be approved because there is no plan of preparedness in cases of civil emergencies, assessment of dam levels and volume measurements actual water in the tank.

Takim Prefekture

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Rreth nesh

Komiteti Kombëtar i Digave të Mëdha (KKDM) është organ i Këshillit të Ministrave i cili ushtron kontrollin e shtetit për sigurinë e digave dhe dambave si vepra të një rëndesie të vecantë dhe përfaqeson shtetin shqiptar ne Komisionin Ndërkombetar te Digave të Mëdha (ICOLD).

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